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Your mental health and wellbeing can impact how you feel in all areas of your life, including at school. It matters.

Taking part in My Mind Check at your school gives you the chance to think about and let your school know how you feel. You can get information and support from this website and from your school after a check-in.

Research at Macquarie University has found that schools play an important role in making sure that children have good mental health. Routine check-ins not only normalises mental health conversations at school, but also reduces the burden on students to recognise when they are struggling.

What students need to know

My Mind Check is quick and easy to complete. You’ll see pictures or read and listen to questions on a computer or tablet and select the options that are most like you. You do it in school time with a teacher supervising.

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My Mind Check asks questions about how you feel and what you like – at school, at home, about friends and family. Only certain staff at your school see a summary and not your actual responses. They will share this information with the adults who take care of you. It’s your chance to tell them how you have been feeling lately.

Candid portrait of three boys in school playground with arms around each other

Your school may give you the chance to take part because they think your wellbeing matters. If you or the adults who take care of you don’t want you to take part, that’s ok – it’s your choice.

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Candid portrait of three boys in school playground with arms around each other

Supporting youth mental health

Get info and support

You can find fact sheets, programs and resources specific to the mental health topics covered during your check-in in the section below. If you want more information on any of these topics, you can also check out  Kids Helpline and Head to Health.

Feeling overwhelmed, having a hard time and want to talk to someone now? Visit Need support now.

Prefer to connect online? Here are some free and confidential online mental health chat services for young people in Australia:

Young aboriginal student talking to her tutor outdoors in the sun in Australia.

Curated Resource Hub

My Mind Check has applied stringent guidelines when selecting programs and resources, and sourced fact sheets from reputable Australian government supported organisations.
We have carefully selected resources to enhance your access to support and information.