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You’re probably viewing this because you scored high on the domain of mood in My Mind Check.

First, My Mind Check does not make a diagnosis. There are many reasons that a young person might report more concerns about their mood on a check-in.  

Things to know about mood 

  • Sometimes you might feel sad and down. Like when a friend moves away, you do badly on a test, or your sports team loses the grand final.  
  • Your feelings can be an understandable response to various life events and challenges.

If you feel sad and down, here are some extra things to consider: 

Signs of problem mood 

  • Low mood or depression that lasts longer than two weeks 
  • Feeling sad for no particular reason 
  • Being more irritable than usual 
  • Becoming more withdrawn from people and activities
  • Losing interest in your appearance
  • Not enjoying your usual fun activities  
Primary School ipad

Fact sheets

What is depression?

Understanding symptoms, effective strategies, and seeking support
12-25 years

Everything you need to know about depression

Causes, symptoms and types of depression, and how to get help
12-19 years

Why am I so sad?

Illustrative story about mood and asking for help
8-13 years

Coping with depression

Information on treating depression, medication, exercise, and other helpful strategies

12-25 years

Self-help for depression

Improving your mood and managing your symptoms
11-18 years

Depression in mob

What is depression? What makes our spirit sad? Spotting when our mob’s spirit is sad and facing our sad spirit.

What is depression?

Learn about symptoms, causes and getting support.

Multiple languages available



Therapist-supported online treatment program designed to teach teens how to manage feelings of stress, anxiety, worry and mood

Referral required


14+ years

This Way Up Teen Worry and Sadness Program

An interactive online self-help program for preventing and coping with depression and anxiety

Referral required

Free (with prescription)

Ages 12-17


An online positive psychology program designed to improve overall wellbeing and resilience

Referral required



12-18 years

Service finders

Head to Health

Provides resources to help you understand and manage what you’re feeling and connect you to mental health support


Find a Headspace centre for you. Headspace centres are located throughout Australia and are staffed with people who are trained and ready to help

Headspace Regional Phone Counselling Service

Provides support to young people living in areas with less accessibility to mental health services by providing digital mental health support via credentialled clinicians during school hours

Find a GP (General Practitioner)

Find a GP suitable for your needs, with options to search for bulk billing practices, opening hours, access needs, and location

Find a Psychologist

Find a psychologist suitable for your needs, with options to search by issue and location. You may wish to see a GP prior to making an appointment with a psychologist, to gain a referral or Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) from your GP