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1 in 7 students have a mental health concern and it impacts their education

Evidence-based online check-in

Developed by Macquarie University and funded by the Australian Government Department of Education

Free for Australian schools

For Foundation to Year 12 across government and non-government schools

Stay informed about student mental health and wellbeing

Proactive information about students, from their perspective

Understand and normalise mental health and wellbeing

Allow students to reflect on their mental health and wellbeing.

Understand how your students are doing at a given point in time​.

Identify students who need information and resources to stop them falling through the cracks.

Use non-diagnostic check-in to help guide decisions.

Developed by experts in partnership with Australian schools

Developed by experts and informed by research with Australian schools.

Stay in touch

Contact us today to discuss how My Mind Check can help in your school.


Looking for more information?

My Mind Check is for Australian schools, across all sectors. The check-in is available for all year groups from Foundation to Year 12.

My Mind Check and the Australian Government Department of Education are working collaboratively with the government and non-government education sector to determine an approach for how or when My Mind check might be offered to their schools.

Complete an Enquire Now form

The School Principal first registers their school. The My Mind Check school support team then help schools consider and plan for check-ins. Schools then run check-ins during school hours with staff supervision. Students answering a series of age-appropriate questions reflecting their current mental health and wellbeing.

Following a check-in, nominated school staff members (known as School Champions) review outcomes in the My Mind Check portal. The tool provides follow-up guidance to assist schools to share information and resources with students.

Student’s respond to developmentally appropriate multiple-choice questions about their mental health and wellbeing. For students in Year 4 and above, multiple-choice questions are in written form, with an optional audio function. Younger students are shown two images, and they choose the image that is most like them. Simple statements accompany the images, which can also be listened to via the audio function.

Following a check-in, if the student is struggling (red) or vulnerable (amber) for one or more domain, the school will communicate useful information and resources to the student and/or their caregiver.