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You’re maybe viewing this because you’ve noticed some mood changes in one of your students.

Or maybe a student recently scored high on the mood domain in My Mind Check.

First, My Mind Check does not make a diagnosis. There are many reasons that a student might report feeling down on any single check-in.

At school, your initial and ongoing observations are essential in supporting your student. Knowing more about mood will help you decide on further actions.


Students often have brief periods of feeling sad and down. These can be a result of various life events, including peer relationship difficulties, challenges with learning, and sports team or leadership selections. Student responses to these life events can be understandable. While relatable, it’s helpful to also consider mood in the context of your student’s:

  • sleep
  • attention
  • difficulties with learning
  • suspected or existing neurodiversity (for example, ADHD, ASD)
  • other medical issues already known

Although mood may fluctuate from time to time, there are some common indicators for deciding whether these changes are of concern. Feeling down, irritable, becoming withdrawn for long periods of time, or losing interest in their appearance and usual activities are all indicators that a student could use some support. 

Primary School ipad

Fact sheets

Depression information for educators

Supporting children and young people experiencing depression
School-aged children and young people

Recognising depression and supporting young people

Includes information on signs and symptoms, medication, and strategies to manage low mood 
12-25 years

Depression in mob

What is depression? What makes our spirit sad? Spotting when our mob’s spirit is sad and facing our sad spirit.

What is depression?

Learn about symptoms, causes and getting support.

Multiple languages available


This list of programs aims to assist schools to guide students and caregivers to suitable at-home programs. Within the portal, schools also have access to a selection of in-school resources and programs to implement with students, as well as some programs to support their own professional development. When a student is flagged as struggling (red) or vulnerable (amber) for a domain, the portal provides a tailored selection of these options to explore. 


Therapist-supported online treatment program designed to teach teens how to manage feelings of stress, anxiety, worry and low mood

Referral required


14+ years

This Way Up Teen Worry and Sadness Program

Therapist-supported online treatment program designed to teach teens how to manage feelings of stress, anxiety, worry and mood

Referral required

Free (with prescription)

Ages 12-17


An online positive psychology program designed to improve overall wellbeing and resilience

Referral required


12-18 years

Service finders

Head to Health

Provides resources to help your student understand and manage what they’re feeling and connect them to mental health support


Find a headspace centre for your student. Headspace centres are located throughout Australia and are staffed with people who are trained and ready to help

Headspace Regional Phone Counselling Service

Provides support to students living in areas with less accessibility to mental health services by providing digital mental health support via credentialled clinicians during school hours

Find a GP (General Practitioner)

Find a GP suitable for your student’s needs, with options to search for bulk billing practices, opening hours, access needs, and location

Find a Psychologist

Find a psychologist suitable for your student’s needs, with options to search by issue and location. Your student may wish to see a GP prior to making an appointment with a psychologist, to gain a referral or Mental Health Care Plan (MHCP) from the GP