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My Mind Check is one part of a school’s approach to wellbeing.

In-school mental health and wellbeing programs should align with your schools existing strategies and policies. Should your school wish to implement programs associated with the My Mind Check domains, options are provided. 

These in-school suggestions take two forms:

Suitable for all or any student (typically delivered in large groups) in the school within the nominated age range, regardless of their My Mind Check outcome. These are typically programs that emphasise skill building and focus on prevention.

School girls using tablet computers for interactive online learning in the school classroom

Suitable for individuals or small groups of students who may need or want support within a mental health and wellbeing domain, i.e. those who were flagged vulnerable (amber) or struggling (red) via My Mind Check. 

School girls using tablet computers for interactive online learning in the school classroom
In-school resources recommended within My Mind Check have been curated according to the following guidelines. 

Universal programs – Whole School/ Year Level  

  • Sourced from Be You (at least ¾ evidence rating) and state-based Department of Education databases in addition to free evidence informed programs from reputable Australian government supported organisations.   
  • Programs must align with current evidence-based care recommendations. 

Targeted programs – Individual or Small Groups 

  • Sourced from Be You (at least ¾ evidence rating) and state-based Department of Education databases in addition to free evidence informed programs from reputable Australian government supported organisations.  
  • Programs must align with current evidence-based care recommendations.  
Young School Boy with backpack before going to school

Supporting youth mental health

Accessing information and support for students

You may have some concerns for one of your students and you’re curious about what options are available to support them. Perhaps your student has recently scored high on one of the domains in My Mind Check.

My Mind Check has applied stringent guidelines when selecting programs and resources, sourcing fact sheets from reputable Australian government supported organisations.